

The medical term is leiomyoma, uterine fibroids are benign growths of the muscle of the uterus. 子宫肌瘤很常见, more than half of American women will be diagnosed with a uterine fibroid at some point in their life.





Symptoms may vary from minimal to impacting on your life and/or work schedule. 如果个人没有或很少有症状 观察等待 以下是肌瘤的建议. 建议在3-时进行超声检查, 6-, 或者根据肌瘤的大小和类型,每隔12个月进行一次.


子宫肌瘤有几种不同的十大正规靠谱网投平台选择. At 亚利桑那妇科顾问 we believe that each patient should choose the specific individualized treatment that works best for them. 十大正规靠谱网投平台方案是根据子宫肌瘤的类型制定的, 子宫肌瘤的数量和大小, 个体对未来生育能力的渴望, 以及个体症状的重要性.



Fibroids are classified under what is called a FIGO fibroid scoring system that informs both the providers and the patients about the types of fibroids they have. The FIGO fibroid score is based on how much of the fibroid is inside the uterine cavity, 子宫肌瘤有多少在子宫肌肉中, 和/或子宫肌瘤在子宫外的大小.

以上数字在影像(超声)上标注, MRI) reports as a “FIGO type III” to describe how much of the fibroid again is in the cavity (inside- submucosal), 在肌肉中(在中间-腹膜内), 或在子宫外部(腹部-浆膜下). 

如何诊断肌瘤? 你怎么知道你有什么类型的FIGO肌瘤?

子宫肌瘤通常通过盆腔超声诊断. 然而, 有时是骨盆核磁共振, saline-infused声波图, 子宫镜检查, or hysterosalpingogram may be necessary to fully evaluate the uterine fibroid(s). 


A 盆腔超声检查 has two parts – for the transabdominal part it is vital to have a full bladder. The full bladder helps the transducer be able to see the uterus and fibroids.



阴道超声检查在内部进行. 该检查最好在膀胱空的情况下进行. The test has multiple components-it can provide some of the most precise measurements of the fibroids, 它可以看到血液流向肌瘤的位置, it also can provide us with 3D images to be able to determine how much of the fibroids is in the uterine cavity (submucosal). 



Another type of ultrasound that can be completed if the 盆腔超声检查 alone does not provide enough of the answers is a sonohysterography or saline-infusion sonogram is where a small catheter is placed in the cervix and then a 经阴道超声 is done. 导管允许提供者将一些液体推入子宫腔. This test is done to determine if any of the fibroids are in the cavity (submucosal).


骨盆MRI在成像设备(SMIL)完成, 西蒙地中海, hospital) and uses contrast to help differentiate the fibroid tissue in the uterus. 


Depending on the FIGO fibroid type you have there are several treatment options. If you have multiple fibroids sometimes cases are scheduled to do different treatment types at the same time. 



The least invasive type of treatment for a fibroid is hysteroscopic myomectomy. A 子宫镜检查 is a device that allows for a camera inside the uterus through the vagina and cervix. 然后用扩张术和液体打开子宫. There are multiple types of devices that are then inserted to remove the uterine fibroid tissue. 这个过程没有切割或切口. 所用麻醉为全静脉麻醉, 在这个过程中,你处于睡眠状态,但通常是自己呼吸. 这种手术是在外科中心或医院的门诊进行的. 整个过程通常持续20-90分钟.The recovery is minimal, and most patients can go back to their usual activities the next day. 



腹腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术是第二种侵入性最小的子宫肌瘤切除术. It requires 3-5 incisions (small) in the abdomen then uses laparoscopic tools to remove the uterine fibroids. This is done under general anesthesia at an outpatient ambulatory surgery center or hospital. 这个过程通常持续1-4个小时. The recovery can take 2-4 weeks depending on the size and number of fibroids being removed. 


An open abdominal myomectomy is the most invasive but is sometimes the safest approach if there are multiple fibroids or very large fibroids. This surgery requires an overnight stay at a hospital and is done under general anesthesia. 手术通常持续1-3小时, and the incision is usually similar to a cesarean section incision (it may be vertical or horizontal). The recovery can take 4-6 weeks depending on the sizes and number of fibroids being removed. 



The SONATA procedure is the least invasive treatment for radiofrequency ablation treatment of fibroids. During radiofrequency ablation treatment the fibroid tumor and its blood flow are cauterized (burned) promoting shrinking of the fibroid and improvement in your symptoms. 该手术不切除肌瘤. 在这个过程中没有切割或切口. 这是在门诊手术中心或医院完成的. 这是在全静脉麻醉下进行的. This procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes and the recovery is just the day of the procedure.

有关索纳塔的更多信息 访问他们的网站.


TheACESSA过程 is a radiofrequency ablation laparoscopic treatment that requires 2-4 abdominal incisions (small) and is done under general anesthesia. 在射频消融十大正规靠谱网投平台期间, the fibroid tumor and its blood flow are cauterized (burned) promoting shrinking of the fibroid and improvement in your symptoms. This surgery usually lasts 1-3 hours and is done at an outpatient surgery center or hospital. 这种手术的恢复通常需要3-5天.

有关ACESSA程序的更多信息 请访问他们的网站.



子宫动脉栓塞术 is done by an Interventional Radiologist and is done under CT guidance. This procedure is done with patients awake; although, they do give you some IV pain medication. Going through blood vessels (wrist or thigh vein) the Radiologist then under CT guidance put a catheter up to the arteries/veins of the uterus and inject multiple tiny particles (the size of sand) to occlude the blood flow to the uterus. 随着时间的推移,这会促进肌瘤和子宫的萎缩. 停机时间很短,通常只在手术当天. 


子宫切除术是切除子宫(包括子宫内的肌瘤)。. 子宫切除术有几种不同的类型. 可以部分完成,也可以全部完成。. 它们可以通过阴道、腹腔镜或剖腹手术进行. Depending on the types of your fibroid, one approach over another may be recommended. 这可以在门诊手术中心或医院进行. 它很少需要过夜. Most patients can go back to their usual activity in 1-2 weeks except for no lifting above 10 lbs and no intercourse (nothing in the vagina) for 6 weeks.

您的供应商地址: 亚利桑那妇科顾问 can walk you through each option and help you create an individualized plan to treat your fibroid.
